Here’s what I’ve learned about the foundations of a business:
Foundation - people care about results and if you are actually providing value. This is a core foundation, learning what your prospects problem is and solving it. Not guessing what your audience wants actually finding out. Too many people create a solution and then try to find a problem to attach it too. It should be the other way around, find a real problem and fix it. Know your audience better than they know themselves, get to the point where you can write a page in their diary because you know them so well.
Foundation - People don’t have business problems they have personal problems that reflect in their business. If your business is struggling first examine your personal life. You can’t expect to run a successful business if you aren’t looking after your health, Your business will become unhealthy. This applies to everything from relationships to finances. Most business problems can be traced back to personal problems and solving the problem there will often solve the problem in your business.
Foundation – Being unique and having that point of difference that gives your ideal customers a reason to come to you instead of a competitor. Don’t blend in, ask yourself why would someone come to us instead of a competitor? People can go anywhere for a 7 day free trial or 1 day free pass. Be creative and try some things or ask your ideal customer what they actually want. Differentiators could be anything from facilities, equipment, atmosphere, staff to an irresistible offer. What makes me unique you might ask, well for one I specialise in marketing for only fitness businesses, to find out what else sets me apart you’ll have to jump on a call with me.
Foundation – It’s great to have all these foundations, but without a way to reach your audience, all the work you put into having solid foundation will be for nothing if you can’t tell your target audience how you solve the problem they’ve got and how your solution is different.
Trying to grow and scale with poor foundations will result in the collapse of your business – you might have heard the story about the two builders. One built his house on rocks a firm foundation and the other built his house on the sand river bank and when the rains came the house on the rocks was secure but the house on the sand got swept away. Trying to grow with poor foundations is like building a skyscraper on sand foundations it will sink and collapse. It’s okay because you can always rebuild on solid foundations and fix these fundamentals.