Lets first explore what this actually means, working on your business includes only the activities that are revenue generating and actually grow your business for example training your staff how to the make customer experience the best it can be or building a system to get your message in front of your ideal customers. Where working in your business is all the non-essential work that makes you feel productive but would have little to no impact if you did it or not for example checking email every 5 minutes or blogging. Yes blogging, ironic right, you see in order for your website to be Facebook ad compliant it is recommended to have a few blog posts so here they are, three of them and probably the only three blogs I will write for this business.
This sort of “busy” work makes you feel great as the world is hooked on instant gratification
but working on your business and actually getting results often takes time. The results you're seeing right now is often indicative of work that you did months, even years ago.
This goes without saying don’t completely forget about the other “unimportant” activities you should batch them and get them all done at once or better yet get someone else to batch them for you. For example I only check email once a day at 12:00pm and it’s been very effective, email wasn’t supposed to be an instant messenger.
Here’s the only three things that matter and I would define as working on your business:
- Generating prospects/leads
- Turning those prospects into paying customers
- Getting your customers results and retaining them
Building these systems and processes for these activities allows you to spend less time doing them or not do them yourself at all, have someone else do them and just teach them or hire an expert. This is how you stop trading time for money while still generating the results you want.
For example:
- How to generate leads: Find out how to reach your target audience, appeal to them and collect their information or get an expert to do it, as this is easier said than done.
- Converting leads into customers: Do a sales training/course and develop a script and develop it as you find out what elicits the desired response from prospects and gets them to sign up and/or hire a sales team.
- Getting customers results and retaining them: Know what your customers want don’t just guess and provide this, give more value than what you’re paid for.
There is so much noise out there and it’s hard to know what to focus on with every “guru” telling you about this new thing but these are just noise. It’s easy to get distracted by all these shiny objects but If you just find someone who has done what you want to do and put your own spin on it and don’t give up to soon as results often build up over time, this is why so many people aren’t successful and think what they are trying to do doesn’t work but often they just haven’t stuck at it long enough to see the results.